Thursday, June 01, 2006


Last night I did an overnight just to get some more hours in. I always seem to have the amazing luck of missing out on all insane behavior nights. The resident that has been violent lately was at home with his family, so once again I missed out on a potential freak out. I kind of just want him to do one while I'm still in training so I can experience it.
I slept late that morning, so going to bed at 10:30 along with the residents wasn't happening. I still don't have a room, so I had to crash on the couch again. The other two staff members are understandbly exhausted, so they fall asleep right away. It's interesting what you hear when you stay up, though. One of the guys sounds like he's jumping up and down in his room for hours and keeps making noise. That probably explains why he's so tired in the morning and very difficult to get up and ready for work.
I woke up at 7:45, and my neck hurt. I can't wait until I can have a bed. I started helping with the wake up process. I don't think I'll ever get used to all the guys leaving the bathroom door open when they go. I've walked in on the Jumper half a dozen times by now with his pants down. One of the other guys wet his bed, so we had to get him in the shower. As I type this, I just remembered that I never threw his sheets in the wash, I just left them on the laundry room floor. Whoops, hope someone else got to that. After everyone was finally up and dressed and downstairs, I made breakfast for the guys that hadn't eaten yet. Then we loaded them up in the van and went to work.


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